Enterprise Apps Development Trends: Every Tech Leaders Need To Know

Enterprise Apps Development Trends: Every Tech Leaders Need To Know

Enterprise App Development Trends to Watch Out For

The world of business is becoming more and more connected by web applications. Any tech leader today must become knowledgeable of all Enterprise Apps Development and prepare to upgrade their site’s own web development. Here are some essential Apps Development Trends that you should keep an eye on for the future.

Security-minded Enterprise Apps Development is a Must

Apps focused on increasing their speed or ease of use, while app-security was thought of as a helpful but optional perk. With the rise of online attacks and data breaches, security must be a core consideration of your app development process. If you run a new company or are involved in its IT or web development departments, then you must center your web application efforts on ensuring proper security measures and data protection policies are established and implemented.

Low Code is the Way to Go

Low code involves designing enterprise apps in a way that requires minimal coding by hand, which improves an app’s development speed. Low-code automates much of the infrastructure of an app’s code, allowing developers to focus efforts on making the app stand out from the apps of other competitors. Implementing low-code involves using a special set of tools that permit web and app developers to bypass all of the re-implementations and jump to the code that is unique to a company’s app.

These low-code setups tend to involve:

1. App Lifecycle Manager: Handles task-automation at various stages of an app’s development, including the build, test, debugging, and deployment stages.

2. Visual Integrated Development Environment (IDE): With this application, your developer can specify and create workflows, data models and User Interfaces (UIs), hand writing code as situations call for it.

3. Backend Connectors: These connectors deal with data storage, data models, and data retrieval specifications.

Progressive Web Applications

In the past, businesses had to deal with a difficult decision: develop mobile apps for their ease of use, or design native apps that have more power behind their features? Native apps can be highly complex and offer valuable user experiences (UX), but can be a chore to develop and maintain, as they would have to be consistently and regularly updated across all operating systems on the market and in consumers’ residences and businesses. Web apps can work with all operating systems and are relatively much easier to develop and maintain, but won’t come close to the sheer power and enrichment capable to a native app.

Google has been working on a solution to this conundrum, known as Progressive Web Apps (PWA). This project will combine the best elements of the most up-to-date app development technologies that will create high-level, fast, stable, and enriching web app UX. These PWAs can essentially act as both native mobile apps and as individual web pages simultaneously. For businesses, PWAs are feasible ways to work around various device restrictions and app stores in order to provide valuable app UXs without the need for the consumers to even do an app installation.

Citizen Development

DevOps automates processes between IT and software development teams. In a similar way, citizen development automates processes between IT business applications and the end-users of those applications. Citizen developers are company end-users who are able to create new business apps through self-service development platforms. These are pre-approved and validated by the company’s main IT team. End-users who have a passion for understanding and working on the business apps that they use, combined with effectively made low-code self-service platforms made by a company’s IT team, makes for a strong start in making a productive and successful citizen development program.

AI and Enterprise Web Apps

Businesses typically have enormous amounts of data that are specific to a given task, objective, or process. Artificial Intelligence (AI) models are already starting to become effective tools at properly ordering and analyzing data. Also, handling end-user issues or questions, and will serve wider and more pervasive functions in the near future.


Every tech leader should be paying close attention to these Apps Development Trends in the near future of business.

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