Distribution Inventory & Control

Revolutionizing Textile Industry Management: A Transformational Partnership with the client


Our client’s journey towards operational excellence was marked by a transformative partnership with OTS. Faced with performance issues, usability challenges, and data vulnerability, the client turned to OTS for a holistic solution. OTS began by migrating the application to AWS, harnessing its scalability for optimized performance.


But the true innovation lies in data management. OTS implemented daily database backups and code version control on GitHub, mitigating the risk of data loss. The optimization of source code further enhanced application performance, while improvements in the user interface streamlined daily operations. The collaboration didn’t end with deployment; OTS has been providing continuous maintenance support for over three years. Furthermore, OTS revolutionized the reporting system with advanced graphs for visual data representation, empowering the client with actionable insights. While AI and machine learning played a crucial role in optimizing and securing the application, it was the strategic partnership between OTS and the client that truly transformed their digital landscape, ensuring efficiency, reliability, and data-driven decision-making.

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