Large Car Manufacturer App

Driving Excellence: Elevating the Car Enthusiast Experience with a Cutting-Edge Mobile App


Our client, a frontrunner in the compact car industry across South-East Asia, has taken customer engagement to the next level with its cutting-edge mobile platform. By introducing the E-Owner Manual guide mobile application, the client has not only catered to car enthusiasts but has also provided invaluable support to their cherished customers. This innovative app bridges the gap between car owners and their vehicles by offering a treasure trove of information about client’s latest car models in the market.


At the heart of this solution lies OTS’s expertise, which transformed client’s initial wireframes into a seamless and user-friendly mobile app. With support for both English and Bahasa Malay languages, this app ensures accessibility to a wider audience. Flexibility is the hallmark, as administrators can effortlessly add, edit, and update cars under various categories, accompanied by textual information and video tutorials. The app’s robust architecture allows the classification of textual content into chapters and sub-chapters, making navigation a breeze. Visual mapping of car interiors and exteriors, complete with informative points, enhances the user experience. Integration with LDAP ensures secure access for staff members, and a user-friendly admin panel enables hassle-free content management. Additionally, OTS’s AI and machine learning prowess adds a layer of intelligence to streamline the entire process. With an intuitive deployment guide, our client is all set to provide an unparalleled experience to car lovers, reinforcing its position as an industry leader.

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